
An Accessible Museum has no barriers. And if necessary, it has no walls, either. It will adapt its facilities and contents to meet the needs of people with disabilities, it will include a range of materials for different levels of cognitive and social development, it will offer specific activities and it will bring culture to the public, as everyone has the right to enjoy culture and it is the responsibility of museums to provide access to it. At the same time, museums must also work to raise public awareness of the everyday reality of those with special access needs, to promote their inclusion.

Alliances with other institutions

Thanks to our partnerships with associations including APROPA, Coordinadora Balear, Estel de Llevant and PREDIF, the Museum has become a centre for everyone.

Coordinadora Balear has validated the Easy-Reading texts for our halls and for the leaflets of the permanent exhibition spaces.

Apropa Cultura serves as a bridge between the Museum and different social associations, to promote the visibility and accessibility of the Museum and the archaeological sites it manages.

Since 2020, the implementation of the Manacor History Museum's Accessibility Plan has enabled the Museum to open its doors to groups that previously had difficulty accessing it. In other words, many of the objectives set out in the plan have been met.

The Museum is committed to ensuring accessibility in the design of its exhibitions, from their initial conception to their ultimate display. For this reason, we have drawn up an internal protocol for accessible exhibitions, to guarantee that curators, designers and installation technicians are all aware of the guidelines to be followed when planning out exhibitions.

We invite you to share your ideas and opinions with the Museum. Your contribution is essential to eliminating any barriers you may encounter.

General information

General information


The Musem’s headquarters, the Torre dels Enagistes, has parking spaces for visitors with reduced mobility.

Information desk

In the entrance hall there is an information desk, where the staff will provide information on all the Museum's services, exhibition areas and scheduled events.


The Museum has an available cloakroom with lockers. Visitors may request to use it, at the information desk.


The Torre dels Enagistes, the Museum’s headquarters, is equipped with a lift.

Rest areas

Each floor has a rest area with walking stick chairs for anyone who may need them.

The courtyard has several benches where visitors may rest.

Some of the display halls include chairs, to enable visitors to view the exhibit in comfort.

Physical accessibility

Physical accessibility


The gates at the street are wheelchair accessible.

All the Musem’s circulation areas are spacious and accessible.

Information desk

We have an accessible information desk with a lower recess at an appropriate height, to ensure access for wheelchair users.


The Musem’s restrooms are accessible to all and feature baby changing tables.

Visual accessibility

Visual accessibility


The entrance doors to the Museum are made of glass and feature red vinyl stickers, for their correct identification.

Guide dogs

The Museum permits the entrance of special assistance guide dogs.

Museum spaces

The spaces of the Museum are equipped with the appropriate lighting, and the furnishings and fittings overall contrast sufficiently with the flooring and walls.

Voice recordings

Each of the Museum's permanent exhibition halls has a QR code that links directly to voice recordings that are available on the website. This way, anyone with impaired vision can access the texts in the exhibition halls.

Magnifying glasses on loan

For anyone interested or in need, the Museum can lend out magnifying glasses, so that visitors can view the contents of the display cases in greater detail.

Replicas of pieces from the permanent exhibition

In all the halls of the permanent exhibition, we invite you to explore the replicas of pieces that are presented in the display cases. Touch, feel and explore the textures, shapes and fine details of these replicas that have been specially designed for the visually impaired, yet which can also be enjoyed by all visitors.

Auditory accessibility

Auditory accessibility

Induction loop

The Museum has an induction loop for users with hearing aids or cochlear implants. Please inquire at the information desk.

Spanish Sign Language Service (LSE)

For guided group tours of the Museum, the Spanish sign language service (LSE) is available on request, with a minimum of 15 days' advance notice.

Audio resources

Some of the Museum's audio resources include subtitles, written text and/or video in Spanish sign language (LSE).

Cognitive accessibility

Cognitive accessibility

Easy Reading texts

To make the Museum's contents easier to read and understand, the following texts have been adapted to Easy Reading guidelines:

  • The website texts that describe the permanent exhibition.
  • The texts on the archaeological site panels at Son Peretó and S'Hospitalet Vell.

Easy Reading information sheets are available for all the exhibition halls of the permanent exhibition.

Opening the senses

Opening the senses

Aroma dispensers have been installed in each of the permanent exhibition halls, so that visitors can smell a typical aroma of each historical era. Here we explain why we have chosen each specific fragrance.

Molí d’en Fraret

Molí d’en Fraret


There are parking spaces for visitors with reduced mobility.

Information desk

We have an accessible information desk with a lower recess at an appropriate height, to ensure access for wheelchair users. 


Visitors may access the lift on the first floor.

Museum spaces

The spaces of the Museum are equipped with the appropriate lighting, and the furnishings and fittings overall contrast sufficiently with the flooring and walls. 

Visitors may use the walking stick chairs and stools to rest.

The restrooms are accessible to people with disabilities. 

Cognitive access

The texts of the permanent exhibition are adapted for Easy Reading (ER).

Archaeological sites

Archaeological sites

Adapted tours of the archaeological sites are available

Would you like to enjoy a tour that is adapted to the specific needs of your group at any of the sites that we manage?

Simply contact us!

Here at the Manacor Museum, we are committed to accessibility and inclusion. As a result, we offer tours tailored to the needs of different groups, including:

  • People with disabilities
  • Elderly people
  • Families 
  • School groups

To request an adapted tour, simply fill in the form below:

Link to the adapted tour form: 

On the form, you will have the space to indicate your specific needs when visiting the site:

You may also call us at 971 84 30 65.

See you soon!

S’Hospitalet Vell

S’Hospitalet Vell


There is available parking for visitors with reduced mobility.

Special parking spaces for those with reduced mobility are clearly signposted and visible.

Rest areas

All along the Museum’s itinerary, you will find specially furnished rest areas for your comfort and convenience. These areas include:

Wooden benches where you can sit down and rest.

Locations beneath the trees, which provide shade and allow you to stay cool during your visit. 


Easy-Reading site visit brochure available in paper form and online: 

A partially accessible itinerary, designed to ensure that everyone can easily enjoy the archaeological site. 

Information panels have been placed all along the itinerary, with texts, images and videos. All the information on the panels can be listened to, viewed or read by downloading it with your mobile phone.

A touch panel with relief and braille in the area around the talaiot, adapted to visitors with visual impairment and to anyone with reduced mobility.

Son Peretó

Son Peretó


There is available parking for visitors with reduced mobility.

Special parking spaces for those with reduced mobility are clearly signposted and visible.


Easy-Reading site visit brochure available in paper form and online:  

Information panels have been placed all along the itinerary, with texts, images and videos. All the information on the panels can be listened to, viewed or read by downloading it with your mobile phone. 


In 2020 and 2021 the PREDIF platform evaluated the following facilities in terms of their accessibility:

  • Torre dels Enagistes (headquarters of the Manacor History Museum).
  • Molí d'en Fraret (ethnographic section).
  • S'Hospitalet Vell archaeological site.
  • Son Peretó archaeological site.
Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Plan

Manacor History Museum Accessibility Plan

On 9 March 2021, the Manacor Town Council approved the Manacor History Museum Accessibility Plan.

This Plan set forth the strategic lines to be implemented over the following three years in terms of social inclusion.

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